BitRaser File Eraser
BitRaser File Eraser
BitRaser File Eraser / 4. Working with the Software / 4.7. Configuring Settings / 4.7.2. Settings to Erase Traces
Erase Traces option scans the system for all the traces, lists them and deletes them permanently. Traces include, traces created during the usage of the system, internet traces that are created by the web browsers, system traces that are created by the operating system, and application traces that are created by the apps.
BitRaser File Eraser provides three different options to erase the traces that are created while you operate the system. The options are:
Internet Activity: For each internet activity you do, you risk your privacy. Your hard drive saves sensitive traces of daily Internet activities that include cookies, history, temporary internet files, favorites, and auto complete for forms and passwords to name a few. With Erase Traces settings you can select Internet browsers and their activities to remove the traces and extraneous files created by them.
Expand the Internet Activity tab that shows the following supported Internet browsers (Either click (+) or double click on the option):
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Note: Only installed Internet browsers will be enabled.
Expand Application Traces (Either click (+) or double click on the option), the following options are available:
Peer to Peer Applications
Microsoft Application
Chat Application
Other Application
Expand System Traces (Either click (+) or double click on the option), the following options are available:
Recycle Bin
Memory Dumps
Feed Cache
Cryptnet URL Cache
Windows Error Report
MAP Network Drive MRUs
Windows User Assist MRUs
Windows Update Information
Windows Explorer Stream MRUs
Regedit Last Opened Key
System Tray Past Item Notification
Saved Search Folder
List of Most Recently Used Files And Folder
Typed Program List From Run Command
Window Temperory File
Window Event Log
Start Menu Programs And Favorites Menu Order
History of Desktop Background List
Recent Documents
Cached Fonts
Diagnostic Log
Microsoft Dot Net Log
Service Setup Log
System History
Task View History