BitRaser Data Eraser solution provides ITADs, scalability, manageability, and automation, helping them meet bulk data wiping needs. BitRaser Drive Eraser ‘Cloud’ variant offers ITADs a lightning-fast way to bulk erase up to 100+ drives whereas the ‘Network Cloud’ variant supports bulk wiping of 65,000 drives simultaneously. BitRaser Mobile supports the simultaneous erasure of up to 40 devices and helps perform diagnostics through a series of 50+ automated and assisted diagnostics test. This Common Criteria, NIST and DHS tested & certified tool uses international standards of erasure and generates tamper-proof certificates for audit trails to meet compliance with laws like CCPA, SOX, GLBA, FACTA, EU-GDPR and the likes. The erasure reports can be stored centrally in the cloud for easy access and future use. Additionally, you can customize the ISO to automate erasure process. BitRaser Drive Verifier helps ITAD perform data erasure verification to comply with R2, E-stewards and ADISA certification norms.
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